Efficient, Timely Response…
No one knows Michigan and Wisconsin like Research North, Inc. We know where people live, work, play and mingle. We have first hand access to the records, the neighbors, and the local hearsay. Video surveillance is our specialty!
CLAIM: Work-related neck injury
9:26 a.m. Vigorous activity shot with telephoto lens from 1/4 mile away.
RESULT: Settled for nuisance value
CLAIM: Neck injury from auto accident; unable to drive, cook or clean.
9:37 a.m. Seen helping build a garage, even lifting a wall.
RESULT: Benefits terminated.
CLAIM: Unable to use right arm or shoulder; unwitnessed accident at sea.
12:14 p.m. Seen playing basketball.
RESULT: Case dismissed. Perjury complaint filed against claimant.
From the back roads and fishing streams, to the golf
resorts and corporate suites, we know
where, when and how to investigate your claimant or business matter.
Your investigation will be billed from our office closest to the site for gathering evidence. If your claimant or suspicious activity travels outside our area, we are able to follow or network with reputable investigative agencies to meet your needs anywhere in the world. If your authorization limits our work to a specific dollar amount or period of time, you are notified if and when those limits are reached.
Delivering Information That Works For You