
Description of Forensic Evidence Services
Digital evidence can be recovered, examined and analyzed from a variety of devices, including:
- desktop computers
- laptop computers
- network storage devices
- storage media, (thumb drives, memory cards, external hard drives, CD/DVD)
- digital storage devices such as iPods MP-3 players
- iPhones, Android Phones, and other types of cellular phones
Following acceptable evidence gathering procedures, original data is examined, and a working copy of the media is prepared. Deleted materials, including erased files, folders, partitions and internet history plus call and text data are recoverable. Conversion of file fragments, file slack and unallocated disk space can be formed into searchable files. Work is performed using industry standards tools such as a Forensic Tool Kit and Linux forensic tools such as SPADA and DEFT 6.
Depending on the type of device and the client’s particular need, data recovery can be completed for between $250-$500, and turnaround time routinely takes no more than 48-72 hours. Contact Charlie Rettstadt or Randy Weston at 231-347-7366 or 888-876-1010 to discuss requirements. You may also send your inquiry to [email protected]
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